Friday 10 December 2010

Good intention,Bad execution?

The whole situation is in control-if i think deeper into it, it's actually no big deal about this whole thing.However, the reaction i get makes me feel so damn sick! I do not know why such a decision-achieved through a proper discussion has now been seen as my individual selfish decision. There are alot of things that i wish i can comprehend, have more grace and forgive and forget. I can understand why such reaction at the back of my mind, howver i cannot understand why do we want to let this and sabotage the relationship? I do not why no one cares about my feeling?Just because i do not voice it out,doesnt mean that i have no feelings and can be moved around.

I am not able to be myself, coz i am into it. I cannot be the objective person and think through it especially when there's a volcano mountain erupting beside me. I hate to complain, i hate to feel that i am not significant. But, i cant help it but to feel that way. It is no longer impt what i want, it is about others,how they feel.