Sunday 2 December 2007

Goign back?

I will be leaving again tomorrow...leaving?or shall i say going back tomorrow.Somehow i always have this weird feeling going back home.I am happy on one side but worry+fear on the other side.I am beginning to feel tired of this kind of life.Going back and forth and now knowing where is my real home.Sometimes i just wish that everybody can stay in the same place and i can see everyone without taking 5 hrs bus.

It is happy when i can spend more time with mum, sis ,L and some of my old frens , but its sad to be back again to face the cruel reality of my family.I can never run away from it unless i disown my family(is there such a thing?),which is impossible.So,i just hope that i can be more brave and tougher this time.

Hmm.leaving is hard.After having so much fun together with A doing all kind of crazy stuffs together,i feel sad to leave knowing that she'll be alone with P.Dont know why this time i feel more nostalgic than before.Maybe becoz we're now closer to each other and we've been spending more time together during the semester :( Also, A has to leave to a new place which may give her more $$ and freedom nxt sem.I feel a bit sad not becoz of the Free ride or the free lunch,or the FOC printing BUT its the company and the laughter in the car and office which i will miss terribly.

Went for long Christmas shopping today,it was fun and tiring.The happiest thing is to be able to get $10 tshirt for the new favorite colour!

No one can predict what will happen in the future,no matter wat i just hope that everyone that i love will be happy. I do not know why but i always have this strange feelings everytime i take bus home.Maybe i'm thinking too much,but i hope that those ppl that i love know that i care for them and love them dearly.