Thursday 21 June 2007

Urticaria (say: ur-tuh-kar-ee-uh)

I was sitting here happily doing my homework when i realised that there are reddish patches on my face!!!!! ERGH..I am breaking out in "map" again!!!I hate it,hate it, hate it!I hope that it remain as small as Singapore and not US.I never eat crabs,prawns or any seafood.Why am i having this stupid bumpy thing on my face!I am suffering,it's so itchy.I feel like rubbing it with salt to stop the irritation.

Well,some information on hives(or urticaria)-->easier term is"map"
When a person is exposed to something that can trigger hives, certain cells in the body release histamine (say: his-tuh-meen) and other substances. This causes fluid to leak from the small blood vessels under the skin. When this fluid collects under the skin, it forms the blotches, which we call hives.The conclusion is,i need anti-histamine badly to reduce the itchiness!It's flaring up, and i feel as if there are thousand of ants crawling on my face.