Thursday, 21 June 2007

New Banner

Hey Hey Hey...
I spent whole day trying to upload my new banner.So nice!!!
Well,i am trying to make this space as nice as possible so that i can come here more often and write more to improve myself..Hmmm....hope this helps!

Well,it is quite hard to write something personal here.It takes a lot of courage to dig out all the pain that you have gone thru and put it on this beautiful column.It's painful when the writting remind you the excruciating details which you wish you can forget.In a way,it's adding salt to your wound which will never have a chance to restore.

I never let go my past,dont i? Yes,i never.I can never let it go because it never stop haunting me.I will let go one day,but that day is yet to come.

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.