Monday 24 August 2009

Wither Rose

Cant see the light thru the leaves


Dont wish to act like an idiot but why does this black cloud always above me?

Wednesday 19 August 2009

CAn i?

Can i have the time like a bear hibernating during winter?

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Dont know why..

Dont know whether it's because of my age or what,i find enjoyment in baking.I love to imagine myself baking while browsing thru the baking book.It may seem like a waste of time,spending lots and lots of money buying different types chocolates and expensive macadamia nuts for the cookies.Hmm,i start to wonder whether it is a good investment,whether i will have a chance to open a shop,or even a booth selling cookies in the future.AND most importantly,whether i will be happy doing that.
I love seeing people enjoying my cookies.The satisfaction is undescribe-able(if there's such word).At least,there's one thing that i can be good at despite many many flaws that i have and various bad things in my life.
Many people agreed that chocolate has the powerful de-stressing agent,the world can turn upside down but chocolate will remain as the best friend to the tears and heartache in many different ways throught our sensory system.There are many types of chocolates range from dark chocolate to yogurt fruit chocolate to feed those who need the taste of comfort and love at bad times.
Sounds like chocolate spokeperson?
Yeah,I am.But i aint getting any money from them :)

Sunday 9 August 2009

No explaination

Dont know why things happen,
I wonder if it's a test of God,
IF it is,
Then i will surely be the first one to fail.

I never stop asking 'WHY'
although i have never receive any answer
I never stop being upset
although i have never stop trying to endure all the pain
I never stop myself from trying
although i have never successful.

I wish childishly,
that all these will disappear like the fog,
I shut my eyes tight
hoping everynight that tomorrow will be better
But,things never change.

I wake up frowning
afraid of what will come next
who can understand this broken hearted
even i,myself feel like a schizoprenia.

Friday 7 August 2009

Am i complaining too much?

I never stop wondering,what kind of person I i complaining too much,not counting the blessing i have? I do not know the answer,how people think of me but all i can say is that,i love my family.I love them all,and i enjoy every moment i can spend with them.I never stop thinking about them,day and night.I refrain myself to do things that may hurt them,i blame myself for my incompetence,for not able to support myself till now and i hate myself for all the unhappiness i have caused them.
However, love comes with expectations,love comes with commitment.Love is never easy.
Reflecting on what had happened, i cant help it but to reflect on myself and also the whole situation.I never blame anyone,honestly,but i feel very dissapointed.I do not know how to describe my feelings,the kind of pain hearing people that you care so much to tell you that what you have done is not enuff although it's already reached your limit.I wished,i really wish i can do more.This kind of feelings surfaced because i never allow myself to slack on my family responsiblities.I never stop trying despite all the complains and criticism.However,it never seem to be enuff,i feel disheated.Yesh,thts the word.Who am i to them,i wonder.Although i do not know what i really want in life,but i never stop wondering what am i to my family.