Tuesday 10 March 2009

Back at One..

Back again from all the busy and stressful extremely short weekend.i feel disatisfied coz i been rushing all the time and didnt really spend much time relaxing and being with my loved ones.Its crazy but i am really yearning for days where i can wake up in the morning, slowly walk to the bathroom,spend litle time switching between channels in the TV then go out to have simple and cheap lunch with the people i love and follow with long chats.It seems like an easy things,some people do that all the time-but i been longing for it,wishing that i can stop rushing everytime i go back.There're so much that i want to do that sometimes, i forget to enjoy those moments sitting around talking.Being too effection turn me into robot and hurt people around me.Sometimes i act like a total bitch and throw my temper to people around me.Yes,only when i come back and reflect on myself that i realise,how bitchy and irritating i was.