Monday 30 March 2009

End of March

Somehow...i feel kind of sad that today is the end of March.I do not know why coz March does not have any special meaning to me all along. I think i just feel sad to see time passing so fast. Seeing myself and others getting older each day just make me feel the need to spend every precious moments with them, worry that they will leave me one day. It is such a stupid thought, but that's me,the stupid me!
I realised that i am very different now,compared to the unrealistic and ambitious me few years back.Now,i cherish each and everyone around me,i am thankful that i have food on the table and sometimes extra few cents to buy my favourite shampoo/body lotion.All these seem super ordinary and almost like a basic need for everyone,but to me,it is so precious and make me feel excited about.
I may sound crazy but do not like spending lots of money on myself.I feel guilty everytime i spend money on myself and not others.I think i just love to see how others benefit from what i give them rather than keeping the good things to myself and then feel bored of it and leave it at the corner.

Hmm..just want to update on some of the fun things i did for the past few weeks:

i)Baked lots of cookies--choco chips,choco chips with macadamia nuts and white choco with pistachio-->hope that i can try making espresso choco chips cookies nxt weekend
ii)Learned to use all those cute stamps to make cards--not that easy...still need a lot of practise
(iii)Found out from the internet how to use eyeliner..a bit stupid but i enjoyed watching people putting on make up.
(iv)Learned to put subtitle on the movie from S.So cool!!

Thts all..this is just a random,stupid and boring entry from the stupid me :)

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Sha Gua ,傻瓜

qi shi ta zuo(do) de huai shi wo men dou dong (Actually we know the bad things he did)
mei you shen me bu tong (Nothing that we don’t know)
yan guang shan shuo ai mei liu dong(Roaming eyes and ambiguous relationship)
bi shang yan,(close eyes) dang zuo ting shuo (pretend ‘hear say’)

qi shi bie ren de chao shu (tactics) wo men dou dong
mei you shen me bu tong(Nothing that we don’t know)
gu zuo(pretend) ruan ruo, sa jiao hai xiu
zhi shi you yi dian bien niu (But only a little unnatural)

sha gua ye xu(perhaps), dan chun(innocent) de duo
ai de mei na me zuo zuo (love is not so pretentious)
ai shang le wo bu bao liu (When I’ve fallen in love,I won’t hold back)

sha gua wo men dou yi yang
bei ai qing shang le you shang
xiang xin zhe ge ta bu yi yang
que you zai yi ci shou shang

sha gua wo men dou yi yang
shou le shang que bu tou xiang (don’t surrender)
xiang xin fu chu hui you dai jia (believing there will be reward for our giving)
dai jia zhi shi yi ju sha gua (the price is to be called ‘sha gua)

**Got this lyric from the website.Although it is quite an old song,i find the lyric very meaningful.Do you remember when is the last time you do something really stupid?You try all your might to do something for the sake of others?
There are many times where we do something which is very stupid for the sake of love (because love is unconditional?).We always hang on to a relationship(bf/gf ,friends or even family) hoping that we will bear the fruits of persistence.But how many of us really see the fruits? We may be too old to even taste the sweetness of the fruit by the time the tree grows it fruits.

Monday 16 March 2009

New look

At last i know how to put a blog skin on my blog!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Back at One..

Back again from all the busy and stressful extremely short weekend.i feel disatisfied coz i been rushing all the time and didnt really spend much time relaxing and being with my loved ones.Its crazy but i am really yearning for days where i can wake up in the morning, slowly walk to the bathroom,spend litle time switching between channels in the TV then go out to have simple and cheap lunch with the people i love and follow with long chats.It seems like an easy things,some people do that all the time-but i been longing for it,wishing that i can stop rushing everytime i go back.There're so much that i want to do that sometimes, i forget to enjoy those moments sitting around talking.Being too effection turn me into robot and hurt people around me.Sometimes i act like a total bitch and throw my temper to people around me.Yes,only when i come back and reflect on myself that i realise,how bitchy and irritating i was.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

B for baking

It seems like a crazy idea, but i wish that i can spend all my time baking cakes and cookies.Everytime i see my creation coming out of oven,i got this sense of satisfaction that blow all my troubles away.Wish that i can bake and bake and bake...who is going to eat?