Thursday 28 August 2008

All about me

Life has been kind of good..although i am packed with lots lots of work .
I eat and dream with assignments and chasing after readings from week to week.
hmm..nevertheless, i quite like it.Coz i can have somthing to look forward to.And i do not need to think of anything else but my own work,which will bring me good future.Yes, i am trying to rationalized my workloads so that i can make myself feel better.

Without realizing, i have spend 2 and half yrs in university .i never thought that i would survive, i still remember how much i struggled during the first semester.How life was as a lost sheep, wondering around alone without any guidance or friends.Yes, those were the days.I tried to distance myself from the lonely sheep by making a joke which uncle used to tell me," i would not be discovered if i fall into the drain in the school since the school is so big untill i body rot and produce bad smell".Yeah...those were the hard days.
Now, i do not mind being alone, so that i have time to think of my assignments and dream my little dream...Time can really change a person.Throughout this process, i have changed a lot.I do not know whether it is good or bad, but i thank those who been good and bad to me coz wihthout them, i wont be who am i today.

Yes..september is coming.Well..Today my N asked me to write a card for a friend who's goign to celebrate her bday. What else, all the bad memories just came back! I didnt want to hold any grudges to anyone but i just feel extremly hurt thinking of those stupid days that i was hoping someone can give me a small little card.WEll, its not the value but to assure me that i am a person in somebody's heart, at least to show that i am a friend and not just a machine which produce them with notes and help them chop seats.
Well..tht's life. Somebody once told me, in this dog eats dog meat kind of world, we do not treat people sincerely or even show our true self so that we wont be taken advantage.It sounds quite reasonable, but i do not wish to be like that coz i really want to enjoy my life esp uni life.I want to be who i am.Who knows when i will die, at that time, i will not even have a chance to do what i am doing now.
I cannot turn back the time, when i think back of my poly life, i wish so much that i can go back and be a better student although i did quite well academically.Looking at bro studying in the same poly, i feel envious of the life he has;the life that i once have but i didnt treasure it enough that now i regret everytime i look back.