Wednesday 16 July 2008


How i wish he'll be dead by tomorrow as he's lying outside trying to grasp the fresh air...
It's cruel, it's heartless but what else do you expect from me,
after all that you have done to me and to this family,
after all the damages
and the pain you have inflicted !

I detest your selfishness,
I despise your egoistic nature,
I loathe over your insincere love and care towards us,
All these make me hate you, more and more.

I beg, and i pray that we will all be released from the suffering
that we will be given a chance to start a new life,
a better and happier future that we yearn for.

Ive never experience my ideal happy family throughout my life,
A family with a caring and protective daddy,
A dad who i can look up to and say "help me",
A dad who can bring me out and make me proud,
All i have is someone who i had to hide away from,
Someone i feel embarrass to acknowledge,
Someone that never stop hurting me emotionally.

I feel sad,
I feel bad,
but all these mean nothing to him,
Coz all he cares is about himself, his selfish happiness.