Sunday 19 October 2008

Shocking news

It is not new when someone tells you how much they wish to die. It is also common for myself to think how good it is if i can just leave this world during bad times. Yes, it's easy to be said than to be done. Many people chicken out before the act is being perform...

There are many times that we take the people around us for granted, we think they'll be forever there , doing what they usually do;playing guitar just like any other day. But, little do we realise how fragile life can be.How a person who used to look cheerful can come to his/her breaking point and do somethign out of expectation.

Yes, tats shocking! Everyday before we go out, we put on a mask to cover us, to prevent others from seeing through us, the vulnerable selves. We put on a strong and defensive stance to ensure that nobody will know what is inside. When we reach a certain point, no mask is strong enough to sheild us, no mask is strong enough to help us to overcome our emotional breakdown, yesh..that's when we choose to end everything in front of us. Maybe i should say ,that's when we choose to shut down our system coz we cant stop whats happening around us.

It is scarry..yah it is. But it is not impossible.When we are vulnerable, stupid thoughts will just come uninvited. I Think, we need to be strong, to put our trust in God that nothing is too big for HIM and HE will make a way for us no matter what. Faint is important, reflect back on those times where we thought wats in front of us is a dead end, and when God open a new way for us without us expecting.Yes,HE will do it again and again...never stop.