Friday 7 September 2007

Tortoise,Go Go Go.

I cant help it but to feel like a tortoise .I am not trying to be pessimistic here,but i really do feel that i am slow in everything(assighments,readings and even the completion of my course).
I want to get rid of all these foolish thoughts out of my mind by telling myself that i am actually buying time to be dependent of my family eventhough i am not young anymore.
Taking about age-Bird-day coming,and all these thoughts never stop haunting me every now and then which make me feel really uneasy.Dont know how to explain it but i need to learn to live it no matter how uncomfortable i am everytime i think of it.I need a relaxing break to rejuvenate myself!
After reading tons of Marx's works,i wonder why are we(human species) so hard on ourself - work and study.In a way we are not making full use of human capablity because we are too constraint by exams,wages,rules and etc.
As material goods multiply in the market,humans will never stop working their butt off to meet their desire .This explain why ppl are working almost 20 hrs/day just to buy prada and gucci handbags.Our self actualization are now being externalized and can only be obtained by purchasing material goods which we cannot bring with us when we die.
Is it worth it?