Sunday, 9 November 2014

I found my blog...finally...

Oh well...i cant believe that i gave birth to a son and went thru all the hardship(breastfeeding etc) and hes now 16months old.Life passed like a flash after having him...of course there are ups and downs but everyday is a busy day with work,looking after him,cooking,cleaning and dont know what.Despite all the stress,i thank Gos for giving me my little evry child to the mummy-hes special and i just love it when hes beside me sleeping(and being so cuddly).Hes my adorable cutie pie and i love him so much so much.When i feel exhausted,i never stop reminding myself how blessed am i to have this healthy little baby.Thank you so much for answering my prayer,God.Forgive me for my shortcomings and help me to be a better mother,a loving wife,a sweet daughter and a kind friend to people ard me.