Friday 27 June 2008

Random Entry

After relaxing for so long, suddenly i gave myself a challenge;that is to write an essay in Malay.Sounds stupid to many but i really feel that i need to practice my Malay so that i can still write with proper Malay although i may not be able to speak as fluently as before :)
I am now thinking what i should write about in Malay..anything related to my field(sociology-any social issue?) that i would like to talk about?Hmm..or maybe i should write a short story in Malay?!Well well..i dont know.i am still thinking....Sometimes i feel that i should write in English intead so that i can practice my writing skills, but its kind of boring to write what i have to write when semester starts..hee.
****give me a break...i will have to do that alot when sem starts....AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh

Okay..its 1:20am.i think i shall not think abt what to write ,else i will not be able to have a good sleep.And i will 100% be grumpy tomorrow!

HOpe to have a dreamless nite..for my body to recover from all those scary&stupid dreams of many many nites!