Monday 30 June 2008

What i did last week?

Bake bake and bake..
i have been baking a lot..
The happiest thing is to be able to revive my grandma's recipe that has been lost ! CHiffon Cake!
And i did this with can imagine that my mum can bake!!!
After i did that with 'ah ma' in S now its mummy!!!hehe..
I managed to dig out the hidden talents that they have..haha..

Happy happy....

Friday 27 June 2008

Random Entry

After relaxing for so long, suddenly i gave myself a challenge;that is to write an essay in Malay.Sounds stupid to many but i really feel that i need to practice my Malay so that i can still write with proper Malay although i may not be able to speak as fluently as before :)
I am now thinking what i should write about in Malay..anything related to my field(sociology-any social issue?) that i would like to talk about?Hmm..or maybe i should write a short story in Malay?!Well well..i dont know.i am still thinking....Sometimes i feel that i should write in English intead so that i can practice my writing skills, but its kind of boring to write what i have to write when semester starts..hee.
****give me a break...i will have to do that alot when sem starts....AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh

Okay..its 1:20am.i think i shall not think abt what to write ,else i will not be able to have a good sleep.And i will 100% be grumpy tomorrow!

HOpe to have a dreamless nite..for my body to recover from all those scary&stupid dreams of many many nites!

Thursday 12 June 2008

Exam over!!!!!!

Exam is over!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy.i can 100% enjoy now..hehe..Yeah yeah yeah..Happy-nye!

Exam over!!!!!!

Exam is over!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy.i cam 100% enjoy now..hehe..Yeah yeah yeah..Happy-nye!

Saturday 7 June 2008

I got it~

I GOT IT...I GOT It..At last i GOT it...i AM delighted.I am surprise...!!!!

Thursday 5 June 2008

45 min more..

45 minutes more...i will know my result of last semester. I am filled with uncertainty...i dont wish to see my result.I just want to enjoy my holiday.
ERg...i dont think i can get what i expected! So sad..

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Another cake..

Latest cake , Banana cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 1 June 2008

Oatmeal Raisin Biscuit

Our last baking for the holiday, Oatmeal Raisin Biscuit!!!
Taste like Muesli, but more crispy with added cornflakes at the top.Yumm Yumm

This is sooo nice! I love it!

*Pic taken 31 May 2008(Sunday);10pm

Apple crumbleeeeeeeeeee

This is the nicest apple crumble i ever yummy.
A nice surprise for all of us..

Next target is to make blueberry crumble!

* Pic taken 30 May 2008; 7:30 pm

Second Cake-Tiramisu!!

Beth came over to make Tiramisu on the 28 May 2008 (Wednesday).We didn't take any pics but i will upload the recipe soon so that i can share the nice tiramisu with everyone!!!

It's soo tasty,creamy and soft!!!

Cake-Making Craze!

Our first cake making session!!!
Pic taken 25 May 2008; 7pm

Sponge cake!

I didn't believe that aunt can actually bake cakes, so i was a bit skeptical when she told me that she's going to make cup cake with me.Can you imagine someone who has difficulties in cooking instant noodle can actually bake a cake?'s strange but believe it.
Although it turned out to be sponge cake due to butter shortage, but the cake was very yummy.

Very soft cake with lots of eggs(12 eggs), just like eating vanilla marshmallow, with the touch of the fragrant butter aroma. A good start....yeah yeah!