I feel bad for feeling stress and upset.im supposed to be the happiest person on earth-with a husband and a super funny 2yr old son
But...i feel othrwise.why?am i starting to be greedy.i feel tht i have lost myself,my identity.Sometimes i ask myself...who am i and what i am doing with my life? Is this the life that i want? I have no answer for this.somedays i feel like a robot...doing the same thing days and nights and waiting for the nites to come and hoping tht nites can be longer before morning comes. Im tired exhausted and wish tht i can be myself for a day; why is it so hard?
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Friday, 30 January 2015
Life has not been easy..i hate myself for feeling that way.i feel helpless right now..not knowing how to solve this.it seems ive a relationship problem..or i have a problem myself and i do not know what to do.
Im shutting myself..other than sobbing to sleep everynite,theres nothing much i can do.Its another brand new day tomorrow...another day to show my tough face and bright smile to everyone.
Oh is this hormones playign tricks or what?Why do i feel so sucky?no..not just sucky,hopeless is the word.Oh well..be strong.life goes on...
The thing about motherhood is..u feel bad for feeling lousy becoz its only natural to feel happy to see your little cuddly bear lying beside you peacefully and knowing that tomorrow he will jump up and call Mama-ur heart just melt
YES- and now u feel even worst for feeling how you feel.ok..complicated!
Thursday, 15 January 2015
It is again the time of the year that i wish i have a car and a maid...
Feeling so exhasted with fever and bodyache...that i wish i can just say goodnight and have a good rest tonight.ITS IMPOSSIBLE!
Everytime when im like this i wonder why do i have to go thru all these harship..then i will feel guilty for feeling that way for im blessed with so many things incl a healthy son and good husband and a house and many many more things.I shall be contented and not complain..
Oh well..its a cycle...and i guess it happens to me everymonth-PMS!