Monday 17 November 2008


I am struggling to study what i do not can i like this subject?
This is really bad!!!! I wish i can love all these theories !

Saturday 15 November 2008

Stupid girl

I feel sad,
I feel miserable,
I hate putting on a mask,
Showing the happy self,
which everyone wants to see.

I feel fake,
I feel stupid,
Why cant i be myself?
and be accepted as who i am?

I feel like running,
I feel like flying,
To a place where i can free,
Free from all the attachments.

Am i selfish,
Am i dumb?
Am i asking for too much?

I want freedom,
I want it badly,
I want to do what i like,
without thinking about others?

Is it possible,
can i really do that?
Am i stupid
Am i dumb?! to even think that way?

I want to try,
I want to do,
I want to be different,
as my life is too constricted.

Am i stupid?
Am i dumb?
Not cherishing what i have now.

I love this place,
I love my family,
I love everyone,
but I also wish to love myself.

Why do i think that way?
Am i stupid?
Am i dumb?
Why cant i be satisfied with what i have?

Yes, i feel stupid,
i feel dumb,
and i dont know whether i am asking for too much.

i am 24, yet i feel like 12,
is it good or bad?
I feel like a child,
a child for too long,
i wish to do what i want,
a life of my own.

i am tired of being what other expect of me.
I am sick of being like a child,
i wan freedom,
i want myself.

Isnt this life?
To please ppl around you,
isnt this your happiness,
to see ppl around you to be happy?

Yes, it is indeed what i want,
but how about ME?
Am i stupid, amd i dumb?
To even wrote this silly thing.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Exam is coming soon...

With all the assignments and presenation on hand, i am unable to concerntrate in my revision.This semester is very busy and tough. SU two subjects, but i am still very concerned over my grades.Hmm..i just hope that i wont fail..
Well, study study study....!!!!!!
Cant wait for this semester to end, it's a bad semester!

Saturday 1 November 2008


Life has been a real rollecoaster these days!!
I've been introduced with lots of scheming tactics which i never knew before. It is now that i realised, how wicked and evil people can be. I feel sad, i feel disturbed listening to all these stories. Please, spare me! i really feel that life is miserable enuff ;than to have such people around you.
Just a google away, all types of scams appear in front of you. It will take years to finish reading...disgusting!