Wednesday 30 April 2008

Holiday Time!!

It finally over...! I thought that i was in the dream after much suffering :) Not sure why i still have the scarry dream of exam till now,too much of socio of food?!
There are so much that i would like to do..but i have decided to give myself a break after the long stressful journey.

Not sure what i wan to write...brain is not working while im typing.Sis was writting this funny essay about the connection between brain and hand.I think i should be one of her examples.Too bad,she has already submitted her essay. heee.

I have been spending my time watching HK Drama, chasing after all the series like mad dog...thts what i wanted to do when i was studying for exam.Now, i feel lazy to watch because of my tired eyes.

Saturday 26 April 2008


IT is finally over!!! i do not know why am i taking out my precious time to blog,since i can watch tv and play games.Maybe i just want to remember the feelings i am having after the exam has ended.I am exhausted!!!! My brain is not working well...and there will be lots of spelling and grammar mistakes here.WARN YOU!!!

I woke up so early this morning to do my last min study,i am not sure whether it helps or not..but i was glad that i did it else i would blame myself for not working hard enough.Well well..another semester has ended.Every new semester i will have new resolution for myself....this semester,i want myself to be more consistent,esp completing my notes after each lecture and dont want for last minute!!regardless of my result for this semester.

And...for the upcoming holiday i want to dedicate lots of my time for reading and witting .As usual,i want to improve myself in terms of my writing.I will try to finish a book and write a review,to test my critical thinking as well as my writing skills.I am not sure when will i be able to do it,coz i havent read the book.Hopefully i wont take too long,else my desire will just die off..hehe

Throughout this time i really thank my family and also L for supporting me and being there for me when i need them.They did a very good job in assuring me and listening to my complains. I know that working life is thousand or many million times harder than preparing for exams, but i cant stop complaining and whining about it,coz it was my biggest fear!!

Thats the end for time being..i am so tired.i need a GOOD rest!!!

Tuesday 22 April 2008


“Why Study For Exams.... Are they not about what you know, not about how much you can cram into your head the night before?”

Taken from:

Exam again !$%%^

Exam again..3 down and 2 more around the corner. Feel so tired with exams, why do i need to take exam!!!
I am not sure whether a man's effort and intelligence can be fully determined with the 2 and half hrs papers, i don't think so. But, what else can i do but to follow the wat the institutions set for us(the pitiful students).